GHS Coral Reading earned a Division I rating at state. Pictured are, from left, front row: Smith Skouson, Peyton Stevenson, Cameron Corey, Eli Boyd, Joel Dressler, Maggie Kaup, Kiran Elfenbein. Back row: Anna Schubert, Judith Perez-Valentin, Catherine Schubert, Mary Jacobson, Chloe Alger and Ketsia Kiphanzu. Grinnell High School brought 13 varsity groups and six 9th grade groups to the State Large Group Speech Contest held at Pleasant Valley High School in Davenport on Saturday, Feb. 3. This was one of four contests held across the state as part of the Iowa High School Speech Association contest series. Overall, 12 groups received Division I ratings and seven received Division II ratings. The 9th grade team qualified two Group Improv teams for State. Of those performing, the team of Penelope Fennell, Slane McCue, and Lucy Skouson received a Division II rating; Mallorie Arlint and Frances Pedersen received a Division I. Due to illness, the Musical Theatre “A Year with Frog and Toad” had to drop, but the Group Mime was able to perform with an emergency substitution. “Cirque du Slay” featured Mallorie Arlint, Penelope Fennell, River Haenfler, Lucy Lindberg, and Lucy Skouson, with Frances Pedersen subbing in by learning her role the night before. The 9th grade team also qualified three Short Films as part of the new stop-motion animation course taught at GHS by Alicia Carradus. “The Air Raid” by Gabe Bahrenfuse, “Something Sketchy” by Liam Han, and “The Broken Sword” by Dash Norris all received overall Division II ratings. In the digital category of Radio Broadcasting, Billy Lopatto and Myles Manley received a Division I rating for their entry “KGFR.” The varsity team also presented the Short Film “Caedes,” featuring Kaia Chang Roper, Moby Ostby, and Ava Valencic, which received a Division II rating. Three Group Improvisation teams also performed at State. Two teams consisting of Cameron Corey, and Ketsia Kiphanzu; Will Dahlby Albright, Roman Mackenzie, and Jeslyn Voogd both received Division II ratings. Owen Shepardson and Nathan Vander Leest received an overall Division I. In the category of Ensemble Acting “Angels in America," featuring Natalie Nieuwsma and Cameron Thompson, earned a Division I rating. GHS also performed a Readers Theatre titled “Ray and Milo”, directed by Flinspach, which earned a Division I rating. It features Tobias Crandall, Roman Mackenzie, Reece Madren, Charlie Nicklas, Moby Ostby, Anna Schubert, Peyton Stensrud, and Jeslyn Voogd. The Choral Reading written and directed by Hosbond, titled “Look”, received a Division I as well. It features Chloe Alger, Eli Boyd, Cameron Corey, Joel Dressler, Kiran Elfenbein, Mary Jacobson, Maggie Kaup, Ketsia Kiphanzu, Judith Perez-Valentin, Anna Schubert, Catherine Schubert, Smith Skouson, and Peyton Stevenson. Both Musical Theatre groups received Division I ratings. The team of “Sunday in the Park with George” features Joel Dressler and Maggie Kaup. “Urinetown” features Will Dahlby Albright, Ian Durr, Elisabeth Kelley-Chown, Billy Lopatto, Brody Petig, Catherine Schubert, Thea Sherman, and Peyton Stensrud. Both teams were directed by Hosbond with musical direction by GHS Choir teacher Michael Gookin. The One-Act Play “Reflex Action”, which was directed by Flinspach, received a Division I as well. The cast and crew includes Forrest Behrens, Diane Boyd, Eli Boyd, Tobias Crandall, Elisabeth Kelley-Chown, Mackenzie Kohl, Reece Madren, Myles Manley, Ellie Mintle, Charlie Nicklas, Natalie Nieuwsma, Owen Shepardson, Cameron Thompson, and Lucy Turley. And finally, in the area of mime, the team qualified one Group Mime performance and one Solo Mime; both received Division I ratings. “The Spider-Woman” features Chloe Alger, Sarah Ashing, Forrest Behrens, Kiran Elfenbein, Cora Miller, and Peyton Stevenson. Alger, Elfenbein, and Miller are returning from last year’s Critic’s Choice Award mime “The Heist.” In the area of Solo Mime, Cora Miller presented “The Bunny,” a story inspired by her own pet. All pieces were written and directed by Hosbond with the ensemble. Due to a postponement at the state contest in Ankeny, the All-State nominations were not available on the Monday after state. That announcement will be forthcoming. Students will perform locally on Saturday, Feb. 10, at the Large Group Speech Showcase event beginning at 7 p.m. in the GHS Auditorium and choir room. The showcase will feature all entries registered this season. An admission donation of $5 per person is suggested, but any contribution is welcomed. The 9th grade team also qualified three Short Films as part of the new stop-motion animation course taught at GHS by Alicia Carradus. “The Air Raid” by Gabe Bahrenfuse, left, “Something Sketchy” by Liam Han, middle, and “The Broken Sword” by Dash Norris, right, all received overall Division II ratings. The GHS Group Mime production of "Cirque Du Slay" featured, from left: River Haenfler, Frances Pedersen, Mallorie Arlint, Lucy Skouson, Lucy Lindberg and Penelope Fennell. The Readers Theatre production of "Ray & Milo" received a Division 1 rating at state. Picture are, from left: Moby Ostby, Peyton Stensrud, Charlie Nicklas, Tobias Crandall, Reece Madren, Roman Mackenzie, Jeslyn Voogd and Anna Schubert. The Group Mime performance of "The Spider - Woman," featured, from left: Peyton Stevenson, Sarah Ashing, Cora Miller, Kiran Elfenbein, Forrest Behrens and Chloe Alger. The performance earned a Division I rating. In the area of Solo Mime, Cora Miller presented “The Bunny,” a story inspired by her own pet. All pieces were written and directed by Hosbond with the ensemble. The performance earned a Division 1 rating. Both Musical Theatre groups received Division I ratings. The team of “Sunday in the Park with George” featured Joel Dressler and Maggie Kaup. The Musical Theatre performance of “Urinetown” featured, from left: Will Dahlby Albright, Billy Lopatto, Peyton Stensrud, Thea Sherman, Brody Petig, Elisabeth Kelley-Chown, Catherine Schubert and Ian Durr.
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