Jennifer and Kevin McAlexander to serve as 2023 Grinnell Fourth of July Parade Grand Marshals6/28/2023 Kevin and Jennifer McAlexanders, owners of Hawkeye Lock & Key and JM Consulting in Grinnell, are the 2023 Grinnell Fourth of July Parade Grand Marshals. The parade gets underway at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 4. The Grinnell Area Chamber of Commerce announces Jennifer and Kevin McAlexander will serve as the 2023 Fourth of July Grand Marshals. Many incredible and worthy nominations were received again this year, and we are excited to recognize Jennifer and Kevin for their tireless contributions to the Central Park Holiday festivities over the past several years, as well as their more recent rehabilitation of a building to repurpose and rehome their business.
“Each year we receive wonderful nominations to serve as the Fourth of July Grand Marshal, and this year was no exception,” noted Rachael Kinnick, president and CEO of the Grinnell Area Chamber of Commerce. “We are glad to recognize Jennifer and Kevin for their commitment to community service and contributions to small town pride, and genuine desire to better the Grinnell community.” They are active members in the community through their volunteerism as well as their locally-owned businesses, Hawkeye Lock & Security and JM Consulting, and are very active members of the Calvary Baptist Church. One nominee writes, “The time and effort they put into the Central Park display at the holidays is what small town pride is all about,” and we couldn’t agree more. “Very deserving recognition for this tremendous couple,” writes another nominee. “Their business, Hawkeye Lock & Security, helps so many in desperate situations regardless of time of day, and greatly reduces stress for the people involved.” “We are so honored to serve as Grand Marshals of this year’s parade,” said Jennifer. “We do what we do because it is the right thing for our community.” The Fourth of July parade will be held Tuesday, July 4 beginning at 5 p.m. Those wishing to participate may still register by completing the entry form on the Chamber’s website. The Chamber is also in search of volunteers to help assist the Grinnell Police Department in a couple intersections along the route; if interested, please contact the chamber office at 641-236-6555. The parade will line up on High Street (those participating should enter from the north) where entries will be staged to line up on Hamilton Avenue facing west. The parade will begin at the intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Main Street and turn north on Main Street to 10th Avenue. From there the parade heads east to Penrose Street, finally turning south on Penrose. It will disperse at the Bayer parking lot at 7th Avenue and Penrose Street. A fireworks display will take place at dusk on Tuesday, July 4 at approximately 9:45 p.m. at Ahrens Park. The parade is produced by the Grinnell Area Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Re/Max Partners Realty, Clarity Eyecare, Grinnell College, Windsor Manor, Grinnell Mutual and Bayer. Fireworks are managed by the City of Grinnell and paid for by the City’s Hotel/Motel Tax Committee.
Sirens were roaring as members of the Brooklyn Fire Department headline the Brooklyn Flag Festival Parade as it makes it way along North Street on Saturday, June 10.
Brooklyn Opera House receives Margaret Keyes Award from Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs6/25/2023 Recently announced at the 2023 Preserve Iowa Summit, the Brooklyn Opera House received the Margaret Keyes Award from the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.
This award recognizes outstanding preservation of a large historic preservation project using State Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program incentives. For purposes of this award, large projects were defined as those projects having total qualified rehabilitation costs of more than $750,000. “We thank the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs and the State Historic Preservation Office for this recognition,” said Laura Manatt, General Manager of the Brooklyn Opera House. “The renovation of this historic building would not have been possible without the support of the state and programs like the State Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program. Public-private partnerships enabled this venue to return to its full potential and once again serve as a cornerstone of the community for generations to come.” Built in 1911, this once-thriving entertainment venue in the small town of Brooklyn was listed in 2014 as one of Iowa’s most endangered historic buildings. In that year, Brian and Laura Manatt spearheaded an effort to rehabilitate the property. “This award and the revitalization of the Brooklyn Opera House would not have been possible without our partners at Neumann Brothers and their incredible expertise in renovating historic buildings,” said Brian Manatt, Board President of the Brooklyn Opera House. “We also want to thank Jennifer Irsfeld James, Architectural Historian and Historic Preservation Consultant, for her expertise in researching and writing about history, architecture and design as we navigated historic tax credits and the National Registry of Historic Places.” The rehabilitation work, led by Neumann Brothers, included extensive interior and exterior repair, sensitively designed life-safety improvements, new building systems and the construction of a one-story addition to connect the opera house and the adjacent community center. With a sidewalk level entrance, the addition provides accessibility to the auditorium and to the stage with ADA-compliant lifts. Connection to the community center provides overflow space for a waiting area, concessions and additional restrooms. Today, the live venue/movie theater/events space retains its original splendor and has been a catalyst for new downtown business improvements, including rehabilitation of a nearby bank built in 1908. For more information, Pictured are members of the Grinnell FFA Nursery/Landscape team who finished in fifth place at the Iowa FFA Floriculture CDE on June 13, at Kirkwood Community College. They are, from left: Kolton Kline, Carter Hansen, Tristan Graff and Sophia Louden.
The Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation recently recognized Josh Gerard, the Director of Brooklyn Public Library, for his Spirit of Giving. Josh was nominated not only for his enthusiasm and charisma for engaging the community with the library and library programming, but also for his leadership on the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, his generosity of time and talent in community theatre, and his boundless creativity and humor which he shares in every endeavor. Thank you, Josh, for sharing your generous Spirit of Giving with the Brooklyn community - and with anyone that is wisely following the Brooklyn Library Facebook page. Who knew so much joy could be shared on a sandwich board?
Louise enjoys a moment with Sadie, age seven months, who is being held by her dad, Cole Olson, at a 4-H Hall of Fame gathering being held in her honor on Friday, June 2 at the Brooklyn Ruritan building. Looking on is Jodie Ryan at left and Roger Van Ersvelde, Rick Ryan and Rusty Clayton. When it comes to being a difference maker in Brooklyn and across Poweshiek County, it would be hard to find anyone more committed than Louise Van Ersvelde. It is her generous and giving heart and work ethic that has led to Louise being named the Poweshiek County 4-H Hall of Fame recipient for 2023. A gathering for Louise was held on Friday, June 2 at the Brooklyn Ruritan Building. Many friends, family, 4-H’ers and 4-H leaders and former co-workers stopped to enjoy a sweet treat and share a kind word with Louise, who was diagnosed earlier this year with pancreatic cancer. Louise is currently residing at the Brooklyn Community Estates. “She is the energizer bunny of community service,” said Rusty Clayton, former Brooklyn business owner and Ruritan Club member. “Whenever there is a community project or event, I always want Louise to be on my team. She is an enormous influence with so many groups like Ruritan, CSF (Dollars for Scholars), Farm Bureau and Farm Safety 4 Kids. Louise has the talent for creating posters, tickets and articles for every need. You could count on her to be 100 percent accurate in whatever she does. No project is too big for her connections throughout the state and the vast number of people she knows.” When asked about that gathering, Louise said, “Awesome, wow and truly unexpected.” “It is a very unexpected surprise,” said Roger, Louise’s husband. “It amazes me that she has had the biggest impact on so many.” Louise always had a camera in hand and was known for documenting whatever she was involved in or with. “Always behind the scenes,” she said with a smile. “Never in front of the camera.” “Seeing all these people means a lot of to me,” added Louise. “It brings back memories of the good old days. I haven’t seen some of these people in a long time.” Louise was born and raised in Poweshiek County. She calls Deep River her hometown with Brooklyn as an adopted hometown when she married Roger Van Ersvelde on April 20, 1968. Roger and Louise started their livestock and grain farming operation in 1970. Louise was a member of the Deep River Helping Hands 4-H Club when it was only a “Girls 4-H Club.” Her favorite projects were sewing and cooking. Louise remembers doing a presentation on making brownies. The judge asked her how many batches of brownies she had made prior to the judging, and she replied, “About 80.” There were several batches in the freezer. The comment from the judge was that she could tell from the presentation that she had numerous practice sessions with this project, and it was State Fair quality. Unfortunately, Louise was not eligible to compete at the State Fair with this project due to her age. Louise noted that her leaders for her 4-H club were: Mrs. Gerald Rieck and Mrs. Alton Wolf. During her many years of service, Louise has volunteered hundreds of hours and has provided leadership to the organizations in which she was actively involved. She was an elected member of the Poweshiek County Extension Council from 1990 to 1998. While on the Extension Council, she was the Extension representative on the Poweshiek County Fair Board for five years. Other ag organizations that Louise has been incredibly involved in include Poweshiek Farm Bureau, Poweshiek County Porkettes, District Seven Porkettes, Iowa State Porkettes, Iowa Pork Producers, Iowa Corn Growers, Poweshiek Corn Growers, Iowa Soybean Association and one of her favorites has been the Farm Safety 4 Just Kids. Other community organizations that Louise has volunteered, appointed, or elected to include Pow I-80, Poweshiek County Development, Brooklyn Economic Development, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, Brooklyn Ruritan Club and Ruritan National, Drag Racing Association of Women and the Dollars for Scholars program for BGM School District. “All organizations have been given relentless number of hours of her time, dedication, and leadership,” noted a Poweshiek County Extension representative. While volunteering during these years for her community and Poweshiek County, Louise also was employed for 19 years as the Business Manager for Nesselroad Chevrolet in Brooklyn, and later worked for the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce for 16 years plus, along with helping her husband, Roger, on the farm. “I knew she did a great job on the Pow I-80 Development Group,” said friend and Poweshiek County Supervisor Diana Dawley. “I have always appreciated the knowledge she had shared about Poweshiek County and have enjoyed seeing her at events in Brooklyn.” “She is a remarkable lady who has touched many and done amazing things in the county,” said Poweshiek County Extension Director Cathy Lents. “She has made a huge impact on 4-H youth.” “Poweshiek County 4-H and Extension has benefited from Louise’s active role with youth and volunteers,” added a Poweshiek County Extension representative. “She has supported a lot of 4-H programs with her volunteer work and fundraising for various events. Thank you for all that you have done for us.” Former Poweshiek County Extension Director Debbie Van Arkel Goold said Louise was connected to so many community resources and always willing to make things happen with tenacity without getting discouraged. “Louise continued to exercise the 4-H motto "to make the best better" in whatever project she got involved with writing grants, leading workshops, starting new programs identified to benefit our county/community, supporting county on-going events that benefit youth and adults,” said Van Arkel Goold. “She spent years invested in youth across the county to help them with skills and opportunities via scholarships, projects and workshop experiences knowing they are needed for the future. She understood the strength of pulling together people and organizations to work to accomplish what needs to be done in various communities - always to make things better.” The 4-H induction service will be held on Sunday, Aug. 20 in the 4-H Building at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. There are two induction ceremonies to provide a quality experience for the inductees and their supporters. The first ceremony, for counties Adair through Jasper, begins at 1:30 p.m. The second ceremony, for counties Jefferson through Wright, begins at 3:30 p.m. Louise Van Ersvelde, seated in wheelchair, visits with attendees at a 4-H Hall of Fame gathering in her honor on Friday, June 2 at the Brooklyn Ruritan building, while her husband, Roger, and a friend chat. Louise, who has been involved and many organizations across the county and worked with 4-H’ers throughout her life, has been named to the 2023 Poweshiek County 4-H Hall of Fame. Louise, who was diagnosed earlier this year with pancreatic cancer, currently resides at the Brooklyn Community Estates. Louise Van Ersvelde, who has been nominated to the Poweshiek County 4-H Hall of Fame, holds her plaque with her husband, Roger, at right and Poweshiek County Extension summer intern, Gavin Tindle, at left. Louise, who has pancreatic cancer, will be inducted into the 4-H Hall of Fame at the 2023 Iowa State Fair.
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