The Beast (Owen Desrochers) and Belle (Addyson Probasco) find love after the curse is lifted from the Beast, who was a former prince, and his castle of characters in the Montezuma Drama Department performance of "Beauty and the Beast in early November. The Montezuma Drama Department presented the musical, “Beauty and the Beast” in early November.
The musical was under the direction of Kelly Kaup and Liesl Roorda was the musical producer. Show Synopsis The beloved fairytale of “Beauty and the Beast” recounts the story of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed into his former self. But time is running out. If those lessons aren’t learned soon, the Beast and his household will be doomed for all eternity. Cast Talen Holland - Narrator/Bookseller; Hayley Burnett - Enchantress/Maurice; Easton Hudnut - Young Prince/Villager; Owen Desrochers – Beast; Addyson Probasco – Belle; Abbi Henkle - Villager/Wolf/Napkin; Alanna Hutchinson - Villager/Fork; Brielle Haughey - Marie/Fork; Cael Cheney - Tavern Master/Gargoyle; Carrie-Ann Maxwell - Flower Seller/Gargoyle; Dayton Reif - Baker/Monsieur D’Arque; Ella McGrane -Shepherdess/Plate; Ella Pierce - Laundry Lady/Fork; Grace Burnett - Sausage Curl Lady/Fork; Jacob Meyer - Candlemaker/Candlestick; Lexi Coder - Villager/Plate; Lydia Kramer - Villager/Fork; Nolan Hudnut -Villager/Candlestick; Tinsley Stowell - Villager/Napkin; Addi Ver Meer - Silly Girl; Letisia Wilson - Silly Girl; Lola Miller - Silly Girl; Ryanne Williams - Silly Girl; Marley Stowell - Silly Girl; Bryn Fantazia – Lefou; Ethan Desrochers – Gaston; Jayden Doll – Lumiere; Mya Smothers – Cogsworth; Isaiah Wilson – Chip; Gracie Wilson - Mrs. Potts; Taylor Wilcox – Babette; Tayler Wickham - Madame De La Grande Buche; Addilynn Ross – Wolf; Brea Cheney - Wolf/Napkin; Karley Eichenberger – Wolf; Lily Bushong - Wolf/Napkin; Adalyn Hoskins - Fork/Grand Piano; Alyssa Bos - Napkin/Broom; Amber Hindman – Plate; Annie Mathes -Fork/Footstool; Ava DeWeese - Fork/Vase of Flowers; Eli Ahrens – Candlestick; Hope Tish – Plate; Karlie Mostek – Plate; Makena Stewart – Plate; and Will Rempp – Candlestick. Sound - Carson VanDerHart and Madilyn Icenbice; Stage Crew - Airé Diaz, Aubree DeJoode, Bo Plants, Bryley Garber, Gertie Lally, Jordan O’Hallaran, Madelyn Longfellow and Storie Pitts; Set Construction - Pat Montag, Taylor Wilcox, Addyson Probasco, Chevelle Reilly, Shiressa Wetering, Ava Pargeon, Emily Jo James, Sydney Nicholson, Lacie Longfellow, Solaris Kasper and Kaylin Lang; Lighting Design - Olivia Burnett; Lighting - Elise Mathes, Larry Daniels and Olivia Burnett.
Tyler Thompson of Montezuma purchased his young son, Kohen, a beautiful John Deere tractor at the 2024 Montezuma Lions Toy and Craft Show. This year's show slated for Saturday, Jan. 25 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. is expected to be one of the biggest in the show's 32-year history. The show will be held in the Montezuma High School central gym. By Roger Allen
Montezuma Lions Club will be hosting its annual Toy and Craft Show on Saturday, Jan. 25 and it may prove to be one of its largest shows in its 32-year history according to William Gregory, chairman. As of the Lions club’s Jan. 13 planning meeting, Gregory reported a record 29 vendors had reserved at least 62 display tables, notably surpassing the numbers at the same time last year. The show will be held in the Montezuma High School central gym. Show hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is $2 per person, except that children’s admission will be free. Frequent drawings for door prizes will be held during the day. Optional tickets will be sold for the main door prize, a collectible toy International Harvester 1466 tractor. Several food choices will be available at a hallway concession area offered by Neva Gregory. The show is a fundraiser for the Lions club. They encourage the public to come support the show, even if it’s only for a few minutes, as it promises to have something of interest for all ages. The show includes a growing number of craft vendors, along with a vast array of collectible and consumer toys and other novelties for all ages. There will be several new vendors. One of them will be featuring Caitlin Clark trading cards. A limited number of display spaces may still be available for individuals or regular vendors to rent and show and sell or trade their wares or collections. Table rent is $20 per table. For more information contact William Gregory at 641-891-8206. Chairman Gregory wishes to remind all Lions members they are needed to help set up for the show beginning at 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, and to assist vendors with set up beginning at 6 a.m. Saturday. The Montezuma United Methodist Church is introducing a new kind of Chancel Choir opportunity for the congregation and for the community.
“The Chancel Choir has been a tradition at Montezuma UMC for many years, and in recent times has continued to sing occasionally in their Sunday worship service and for Christmas Eve,” noted Terence Blain, UMC music coordinator. Blain noted that church choirs of the past have been central in leading singing in worship services and have also served as a ministry to those participating. But the traditional church choir models of yesterday have also begun to wane as there has been less focus in many churches on singing from the hymnal and knowledge of singing in parts, shifting focus on music and arts in schools, and generations of folks that are no longer taking music lessons and filling their homes with music like they once did. “Families singing around the spinet is just a memory or a reminder through a Rockwell painting these days,” said Blain. “However, lamenting the past only limits our future,” added Blain. “It’s time to sing a new song. In fact, the Scriptures remind us nearly 10 times to sing a new song, and over 400 times to just sing praise to God. So that’s what we’re going to do; sing a new song and praise God while doing it.” The first Chancel Choir rehearsal will be Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 6 p.m. and most Wednesdays thereafter. Rehearsals will begin in the Chapel at the Montezuma United Methodist Church, which is on the main sanctuary level. One does not need to be a member or attend the church to participate, and this opportunity is intended to be multi-generational, for anyone in junior high up to retirees, even whole families are welcome. The music promises to be inspirational, and most importantly, accessible. Singers do not have to have a lot of training or musical knowledge or ability to read complex musical scores, however, being able to match pitch is helpful. “The new Chancel Choir will be preparing mostly short unison pieces with a few easier two-part selections thrown in,” said Blain. “Music for the upcoming season of Lent and into Holy Week and Easter will be the main focus at the start, with resources drawn from the UMC Worship and Praise and The Faith We Sing hymnal supplements, plus many inspiring selections from the new Scripture Hymnal that will help folks sing and memorize Scripture. Kind of like a singing Bible study group.” If any community members rehearsing wish to sing with the choir during the 10 a.m. service at Montezuma United Methodist Church, they are most welcome. The choir will be singing two or three times each month through May 25. If those participating have other church or family commitments, no problem. Just come and sing and be involved and plug in when it works best. Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. – Psalm 96. The 32nd Annual Montezuma Lions Toy and Craft Show is Saturday, Jan. 25 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. If you are looking to buy toys or crafts or goodies, you might want to come to the show. If you are looking to sell your unwanted toys or crafts, tables are available for $20 each. There will be a main door prize and many door prizes raffled off throughout the show. For more information, contact William Gregory at 641-891-8206.
An area youngster is all smiles as she enjoys visiting with Santa and Mrs. Claus during their stop at the Deep River American Legion on Sunday, Dec. 8. Santa arrived on the back of a Deep River Firetruck with sirens blaring. After meeting with area children, he took his big bag of goodies and rode around town in a pickup truck delivering good cheer and a big Ho Ho Ho. Each child received a gift coupon, a bag of goodies and a free toy provided by the American Legion and Auxiliary. Parents and other guests were treated to refreshments.
Santa and Mrs. Claus hold two babies during their stop in Montezuma during the Hometown Holiday celebration on Saturday, Dec. 7. The annual event, which is under the direction of Montezuma Community Development, included horse-drawn carriage rides, a tree decorating contest, Santa breakfast, soup supper fundraiser, Cookie Walk, How the Grinch Stole the Library and various other activities. Many businesses were also open during the morning and evening activities.
Montezuma's Brady Boulton, middle, a junior on the Braves squad, scored his 1,000 point in a home game against GMG on Thursday, Dec. 12. The Braves won the game,76-70. The Braves hold a 6-1 record heading into the new year. Photo by Marie Boulton.